Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Liudmyla HRANOVSKA, Nadiia REZNICHENKO, Pavlo LYKHOVYD, Serhii ROI
The study was performed in Askanian State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, located in the Southern Steppe zone of the country. The experiments were carried out in a stationary field in the period 2015-2020 within a four-field crop rotation (winter barley with post-harvest sowing of green manure crop-soybean- winter wheat with post-harvest sowing of green manure crop-grain maize) and resulted in scientific substantiation of the influence of different systems of basic tillage and organic-mineral fertilization systems on the agrophysical parameters of dark-chestnut soil and formation of winter barley yields. It was determined that the no-till variations, which outperformed the bulk density in the control (under the conduct of mechanical tillage) by 4.0%, are responsible for the soil's maximum bulk density (1.30 g/cm3). The bulk density of the dark-chestnut soil was decreased by 1.6% when post-harvest green manure was used, and by 2.3% when continuous no-till farming was used. The bulk density of the arable layer of dark-chestnut soil in the range of 1.22-1.26 g/cm3 produces the maximum productivity of winter barley. Crop yields are impacted by a reduction in bulk density brought on by excessive soil loosening as well as soil compaction.
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