The papers (articles) should be written in English, having 4, 6, 8 or 10 pages length in Template Form in 2 columns (including tables, figures, references).
You may use Word 6,7, WXP 2003 and 2007. Paper setup: A4 (210 x 297), Margins Top 2 cm, Bottom 2 cm, Right 2 cm, Left 2 cm and Footer 1.5 cm.
Paper Title – in Capitals, TNR 14, bold, aligned left;
Authors’ name and first name – in Capitals, TNR 12, bold, aligned left, at 1 row distance from the paper title. If there are more authors than one and belonging to various institutions, they have to be marked by 1, 2, 3 superscript etc for identifying the institutions they belong to. Please, don’ t mention the authors’ academic title, scientific position etc.
Name of Institution will be edited with TNR 12 at one space row below the authors’ name. The institutions will be marked by 1, 2, 3 etc, as mentioned before for each author. The institution name will be typed in small letters, aligned left, followed by address: number, street, locality, zip code, country, phone number, fax, email address belonging to each author.
Corresponding author: Please, mention Corresponding author, in TNR 12, small letters, bold, italic, aligned left and then two points, followed by the email address of the contact person.This will be done at one row distance from the name of institutions.
Abstract will be typed at one row distance from Corresponding author, in TNR 10, as follows: Abstract, in bolded italic, aligned left; please, leave one row below. The text has to be typed in italic characters, aligned left, maximum 15 rows, justify. The abstract has briefly to present the content of the paper: purpose, material and methods, obtained results and main conclusions.
Key words – at one row distance from Abstract, in TNR 10, as follows: first, Key words: bolded italic, two points and then maximum 5 representative words in italic, aligned left.
Subchapters: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REFERENCES will be edited with TNR 12, bold, aligned left, at one space row down from the text;
The text – in TNR 12, no TABs, justify.
Introduction has to synthetically present the importance of the research work and their opportunity in the scientific world. The authors must reffer to the main information and results flow existing in the field, citing the authors’ name in square brackets as their appear in References. The text must be written at one row distance from INTRODUCTION with TNR 12, No TABs, the row starts right from the left margin (align left ), justify.
The authors have to refer to: biological or other type of materials used within the experiments, organization of the experimental plots etc, utilized data base, research period and its location, area or region, biological, mathematical, statistical or other methods used, standard proceedures etc. All these aspects have to be synthetically and clearly described so that other authors to be able to use them. The text will be edited at one row distance from MATERIAL AND METHOD with TNR 12, No TABs, the row has to start right from the left margin (align left), justify.
In this paragraph, the authors have to present the main obtained results in a logical manner and to interpret them correctly. The significant results have to be scientifically comented based on comparisons with the results obtained by other authors. The text must be edited at one row distance from RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS with TNR 12, No TABs, the row must start right from the left margin (align left), justify.
Tables and graphics, figures, photos have to be included within the text and edited as follows :
- For Tables:
Table 1. followed by table title, TNR 10, aligned left.The text and figures should be written with TNR 10, 8 or a smaller font size, depending on situation, so that the figures to remain all aligned in one row. Each table must have a number and title. If the table is very large it could be left in one column as large as the page is.
- For Figures:
Below the figure, the author must write: Fig. 1,2,3 etc followed by its title, using TNR 10, aligned left. Each figure must have a number and title.
- For Photos: Under each photo you must write: Photo 1,2,3 etc followed by its title with TNR 10, aligned left. Each photo must have a number and title.
This paragraph has to briefly present the main ideas and results of the research. They must be edited at one row distance from CONCLUSIONS, not numbered, in TNR 12, alined left.
This paragraph is optional and refers to thanks addressed to the authorities which have supported or provided the data collection and processing, organization of experiments, financial support etc. The text has to be edited at one row distance from AKNOWLEDGEMENTS, with TNR 12, No TABs, so that the row to start right from the left margin, aligned left, justify. It it is not necessary, this paragraph could be omitted.
References must be edited with TNR 12, bolded, aligned left, at one row distance from the last row of conclusions or aknowledgements.
Below, at one row distance from REFERENCES, each reference must have a number and the authors’names must be written in the alphabetical order.
You must use TNR 10, as follows: [1] Name and surname of authors, year, article or book title, review, volume, issue, page number, publishing house, locality.
For article in a Journal:
[1]Kudrna, K., Sindelariva Marie, 2010, Limits of the Earth Biosphere, J. Cent. Eur. Agric., 2010,11 (3):285-296
For article in a Book :
[2] Kubkin S., 1991, Measurement of radiant energy, in: Sestak Z., Catsky J., Jarvis P.G. (Eds.), Plant Photosynthetic Production. Manual of Methods, Junk, The Hague, 702–765.
For book:
[1] Hagger A.G., 1977, Inflation Theory and Policy, Testable Prediction, The Mac Millan Press Ltd, London, p.55-60.
-The papers which do not include References will be not published.
-The papers whose authors do not cite the references in the text will be not published.
-In the text, please, use numerals in square brackets to cite references. For example: [1], [2]….[n].
After finishing your paper, you have to fill it in the Template Form, which a compulsory operation before submitting your article to the Editor.
-The first part of the paper to contain: paper title, authors, institutions, abstract and keywords edited on the whole page width.
-Introduction, Material and Method, Results and discussions, tables, graphycs, photos, schemas, Acknowledgements and References should be edited in 2 columns.
-Under this Template Form, a paper must not exceed 4,6,8 or 10 pages and have an even number of pages.
Please, do not disprotect the document !
You may use as a guide the Model of the full paper already completed in the Template Form.
In order to download the Template Form, click HERE !
The whole responsibility for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data and scientific interpretations, as well as for the accuracy of the English text belongs entirely to the author(s).
Submission of the paper implies that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
As your paper will be peer reviewed both by foreign and Romanian reviewers, you are kindly asked to respect the instructions given above.
Before submitting your article, please, check one again if you respected Guidelines for authors.
The papers which do not comply with Guidelines for authors are in danger not to be published.
Also, before submitting the paper, the author has to name the file including the paper according to the the first author’s name, followed by « doc » extension.
For example :
Smith Adam 1.doc
Smith Adam 2.doc
Full Papers should be submitted by e-mail on the following address:
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