Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Sergey Ivanovich KAPUSTIN, Alexander Borisovich VOLODIN, Andrey Sergeevich KAPUSTIN, Nikolai Viktorovich SAMOKISH
Object of the research is 5 new lines of pearl millet. They were bred in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “North Caucasus FARC”. The purpose of the research was to specify the presence of nutrients (protein, fat, fiber, NFE), the level of essential and other amino acids in these new lines. Their content in the feed determines its biological value. The highest content of crude protein (12.92%) in the dry matter, which was obtained during the studies in 2021-2022, was found in line No. 1. This parameter ranged from 10.51 to 11.52% in other varieties. As for the grain, lines No. 5 (16.47%), No. 3 (16.45%) and No. 1 (16.29%) had the highest content of crude protein. The standards of Siberian millet and proso millet had significantly lower content of protein. It was 13.45 and 11.32%, respectively. The grain of the new lines showed the highest levels of crude fat in lines No. 4 (7.34%) and No. 5 (7.09%). The amount of crude gluten in the grain and dry matter of pearl millet was relatively low. On average, the dry matter of pearl millet had lower levels of essential amino acids (0.36%) compared to non-essential ones (0.72%). The new lines No. 1 and No. 5 had the highest content of essential amino acids in the grain. The content of non-essential amino acids in the grain was significantly higher than in the dry matter, averaging 1.2% and 0.72% respectively. The new lines No. 4, No. 3, and No. 1 had the maximum content of these amino acids. In terms of amino acid content, pearl millet grain exceeded the standards of proso millet and Siberian millet grain.
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