Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Agatha POPESCU, Toma Adrian DINU, Elena STOIAN, Valentin ŞERBAN
The aim of this study is to analyze milk resources availabilities and utilizations in their dynamics in the period 2014-2021 pointing out the state of production, import, export and availabilities for human consumption in order to assess in what measure food security and efficiency in milk trade are assured. The data provided by National Institute of Statistics were processed using fixed basis index, regression equations, determination coefficient, graphically illustration and comparison method. In 2021 versus 2014, the results reflected that: utilizable internal production declined by 9.3%, accounting for 51,750; availabilities for human consumption remained relatively stable, in 2021 being 48,881 thousand hl (+ 0.53%). The weight of availability of milk for human consumption in utilizable internal milk production increased from 85.21 % to 94.45%. Import reached 12,988 thousand hl, being 2.58 times higher. The share of import in availability for human consumption increased by 16.28 pp, reaching 26.57%. Milk export was by + 57.28% higher attaining 3,152 thousand hl. The share of export in utilizable production went up from 3.51% to 6.09%. Export/import ratio declined from 0.40 in 2014 to 0.24 in 2021, reflecting a negative milk trade balance. Milk consumption per capita reached 255.6 kg in 2021, being by 4.66% higher than in 2014. In 2021, a Romanian could consume in average 721.3 g milk per day compared to 689.1 g in 2014. The self-sufficiency rate decreased from 95% in 2014 to 84.02 % in 2021, due to the decline in utilized internal production. To diminish milk crisis, it is needed to offer more subsidies for sustaining dairy farming and to stop the decline in the number of dairy cows, in milk production and marketed milk and reduce imports. Processors have to offer Euro 0.5 per milk kg to Romanian farmers and not a discriminatory price of Euro 0.2.-03. Imports have to be reduced and export to be encouraged after assuring the market requirements by internal production. In this way, both self-sufficiency rate and the efficiency in milk trade could be improved.
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