Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Inga KHAN-KHOYSKAYA
Digital technologies have encompassed all spheres of our lives. The application of digital technologies in rural areas is expanding. Mastering these technologies has become more of a requirement than an option. The goal of this work is not only to highlight several activities related to implementing the country's strategy for developing information and communication technologies, increasing the use of digital skills among rural populations, and raising awareness among small and medium-sized agricultural businesses about new technologies. It also aims to investigate gaps between digital skills meeting employer needs and the skills workers actually possess. To achieve this goal, international experiences from various thematic areas related to digital skills were examined. The study employed a general methodology for measuring the effectiveness of digital skills, utilizing statistical analysis tools to assess the digital competency of rural populations and entrepreneurs in comparison to urban areas. This is crucial for Azerbaijan, as the country's small and medium-sized agricultural businesses constitute a significant portion of the national economy. The study conducted variance analysis, allowing the identification of the digital divide and the measurement of digital skills. Recommendations are provided for fostering continuous development of digital skills.
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