Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Mirela STANCIU, Agatha POPESCU, Sorina CORMAN
The aim of the paper is to present a model of good practices in sustainable rural tourism in the mountain area of Romania, exemplifying a well known tourist village. from the Sibiu County. At the beginning, there were described the stage of development of rural tourism in the mountain commune named "Marginimea Sibiului", in terms of the structure of the tourist accommodation and public food units, touristic and anthropological objectives, the promotion of the tourist offer. Then, there were calculated and interpreted some indicators of the tourist circulation The second stage of the research analyzes the expectations of 360 tourists from a vacation spent in the tourist village of Gura Râului, the selected case study, as a model of good practices in sustainable rural tourism. The survey was carried out based on a structured questionnaire including 13 questions, which was utilized as a working tool. The respondents' answers were collected, summarized and then the data were statistically processed using Excel, v. 365 Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA. The results showed that Gura Râului becomes a more attractive destination for the rural tourism lovers and a real example of sustainable rural tourism to be followed by other mountain villages of Romania.
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