Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the organizational tendencies and factors affecting the organizational preferences of fresh fruit and vegetable producers in Izmir province, Türkiye. In study, data from 155 producers were compiled with proportional sampling. A five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate the factors that producers consider important regarding agricultural organization, their preferences and tendencies, and their opinions and expectations. In the study, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to reveal the organization model preferences of the producers according to various criteria. According to the study results, the average age and education period of producers are 49.12 and 7.86 years, respectively. 63.87% of the producers are currently partners in any agricultural cooperative. The most important expectations of producers from cooperatives are the managers must have honest and moral values, create solidarity and unity among the producers, be based on the democratic management approach, and not allow unfair gain and corruption. The most effective criterion for producers' choice of organizational model is price advantage. This criterion is followed by input supply, risk reduction, technical training and consultancy and marketing opportunity in order of importance. When producer decisions are evaluated according to the selection criteria among alternative organizational models; it has been determined that the first choices of producers are cooperatives, followed by individual farms, companies and producer unions, respectively. 76.77% of the producers stated that they could become partners if a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative was established in the region.
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