Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Andra Adelina DOBROTĂ (VASILESCU) , Adrian TUREK-RAHOVEANU
The wine sector has a significant importance in the economy of the European Union, contributing to the increase of exports, the preservation of traditions and the generation of jobs in rural regions. Romania, recognized for its wine-growing tradition, ranks sixth in Europe in terms of wine-growing area and benefits from considerable support through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The paper analyzes the support and protection measures of the Romanian wine sector within the rural development programs of the two programming periods, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, which Romania went through after joining the European Union. The allocated funds supported the restructuring and reconversion of the vineyards, the modernization of the viticultural infrastructure and the promotion of exports. At the same time, measures were implemented to adapt to climate change and improve sustainability. In conclusion, it emphasises the need to continue European support for maintaining the competitiveness of Romanian wine on international markets, considering the climate challenges and global competition.
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