Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Ionel Alin GHIORGHE, Adrian TUREK-RAHOVEANU
Through this study, we aimed to test the variability of protein and starch content of maize when applying an integrated fertilization system using green manure and mineral fertilizer. The research was conducted under specific conditions at the Agricultural Development Research Station of Braila, where a bifactorial experiment was set up to investigate the effects of cultivation and incorporation of green manures and nitrogen fertilizers on the quality traits of maize yield. The green manure species were carefully chosen and were represented by species such as winter pea, rye, white mustard, rapeseed, and control without green manure. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied at rates of 60 kg, 90 kg, and 120 kg nitrogen per hectare. Based on the results obtained in this study, we can state that integrated fertilization with green and mineral fertilizers influences the protein and starch content of maize. The results revealed that the dose of 120 kg/ha nitrogen together with green winter pea fertilizer had the highest influence on protein content, the maximum level being 12.28%, and in the case of starch, the highest content was recorded at the application of 90 kg/ha nitrogen and green winter pea fertilizer with a percentage of 72.83%. The results reported in this study are the average results obtained in two years of research.
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