ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Andreea Lidia JURJESCU, Marinel Nicolae HORABLAGA, Florin SALA

The study analyzed the behavior of some rapeseed genotypes, in comparative crops within ARDS Lovrin, Timis County, Romania. Nineteen genotypes were cultivated, in chernozem soil conditions, non-irrigated crop system, agricultural year 2022-2023. The yield (Y) varied between 1,288.24 kg ha-1(Absolute genotype, RCH19 trial code) and 3,703.70 kg ha-1 (Excited genotype, RCH2 trial code). The hectoliter weight (HW) varied between 51.60 kg hl-1 (Immortal genotype, RCH5 trial code), and 75.00 kg hl-1 (Excited genotype, RCH2 trial code). The weight of one thousand seeds (WTS) varied between 3.70 g (Ultimo genotype, RCH17 trial code), and 6.00 g (Umberto genotype, RCH11 trial code). Compared to the mean of the experiment (M_Exp = 2,347.65 kg ha-1), the following genotypes stood out: Excited (RCH2) with Y = 1,356.05 kg ha-1, Expectation (RCH3) and P314 (RCH9) with Y = 1,195.02 kg ha-1, respectively Momento (RCH14) with Y = 1,033.99 kg ha-1. In the case of the hectoliter weight (HW), compared to the mean of the experiment (HW = 62.51 kg hl-1), the Excited genotype (HW = 75.00 kg hl-1) was highlighted, followed by the Vito genotype (HW = 70.50 kg hl-1). In relation to parameters Y, HW and WTS, PC1 explained 53.155% of variance, and PC2 explained 26.458% of variance.

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JURJESCU A.L., HORABLAGA M.N., SALA F. 2024, YIELD COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOME WINTER RAPESEED GENOTYPES. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 433-442.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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