Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Cecilia NEAGU, Andrei Radu IOVA, Daniela CREȚU
The aim of the paper is to compare the most important physico-chemical parameters of the drinking water supplied by the company ECOAQUA S.A. in Călăraşi municipality, taken from monthly average analysis bulletins carried out within the company in 2023, both at the entrance to the treatment plant and at the exit - to be able to evaluate the degree of water treatment and the quality of drinking water supplied to consumers. The parameters analyzed in the paper are: pH, turbidity, residual free chlorine (only analyzed for drinking water), nitrates, total hardness and aluminum. They were represented graphically, and the values of the parameters at the exit from the station were compared with the maximum limit provided in the Government Ordinance 7/2023 and Government Decision 971/2023, in order to be able to estimate the qualitative level of drinking water. We found exceedances of a maximum of 22% only in the case of free residual chlorine in November 2023, due to the water disinfection process. The other physico-chemical parameters did not exceed the legal limits.
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