ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Victor ȚÎȚEI, Alexei ABABII, Andreea ANDREOIU, Vasile BLAJ, Mihai GADIBADI, Veaceslav DOROFTEI, Victor MELNIC

The main objective of this research was to evaluate the quality indices of fodders prepared from the non-native ecotype of sesame Sesamum indicum, grown in monoculture in the experimental plot of NBGI, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. We found that the dry matter of sesame whole plants harvested in flowering period contained 190 g/kg CP, 114 g/kg ash, 239g/kg CF, 296 g/kg ADF, 479 g/kg NDF, 72 g/kg ADL, 224 g/kg Cel, 183g/kg HC with 10.6 MJ/kg ME, 6.52 MJ/kg NEl. The fermentation characteristics and quality indices of sesame haylage was: pH =4.33, 0.67% acetic acid, 3.45% lactic acid, 0.02% butyric acid, 161g/kg CP, 151g/kg ash, 212 g/kg CF, 285 g/kg ADF, 520 g/kg NDF, 70 g/kg ADL, 210g/kg Cel, 235 g/kg HC with 66.7% DMD, RFV= 120, 9.75-11.73 MJ/kg ME, 6.75 MJ/kg NEl. It has been determined that the sesame plant residue contained 104 g/kg CP, 110g/kg ash, 411g/kg CF, 83 g/kg ADL, 363 g/kg Cel, 175g/kg HC with 8.90 MJ/kg ME, 4.90 MJ/kg NEl. The fodders from Sesamum indicum have optimal nutrient content and energy value of forage, can be used as alternative forages for livestock.

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TITEI V., ABABII A., ANDREOIU A., BLAJ V., GADIBADI M., DOROFTEI V., MELNIC V. 2024, THE QUALITY INDICES OF FODDERS FROM SESAMUM INDICUM L. GROWNING UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MOLDOVA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 853-860.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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