ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 16 ISSUE 4
Written by Daniela PLEȘOIANU, Valentina DIACONESCU

Spa tourism in Romania is a crucial sector of the tourism industry because of its specific features. Economic growth quality of life of modern human being, bring, besides the positive, some negative aspects: stress, power imbalances, negative actions of the environment on the body due to physical and chemical pollution. To mitigate those negative aspects more and more tourists choose spas as a holiday destination. The purpose of the paper was to analyze Amara resort potential for health tourism. Based on a profound documentation and on the collected data on the statistical data provided by National Institute of Statistics, Ialomița National Environmental Protection Agency, the research work was focused to process the data and interpret the results. The main conclusions highlighted the importance of mud, which is the key mean in preventing and treating various diseases. It is successfully used in wraps, baths or massage. Amara spa is one of our country's resorts treating musculoskeletal disorders, gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders, dermatological diseases, hepatobiliary diseases and cures of diuresis. The analysis of the tourists flow over a period of 14 years pointed out that the increased number of tourists is due to the good promotion of the resort and of its high quality services.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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