ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 3
Written by Agatha POPESCU, Daniela PLESOIANU

The paper aimed to analyze the accommodation demand/offer in Romania's tourism using the empirical data provided by the National Institute of Statistics for the period 2007-2015. In 2015, tourists' arrivals accounted for 9,9 million, of which 22.5 % foreigners' arrivals. The total arrivals increased by 42 % in the analyzed period having a good impact on tourist density which reached 500 arrivals per inhabitant and 32 arrivals per square km. In 2015, the number of overnight stays accounted for 23,519 thousands, of which 19 % belonged to the foreign tourists. The economic crisis had a bad impact on the number of arrivals, and overnight stays in the years 2009and 2010. Romania has 6.821 establishments units with accommodation facilities for tourists and 328,000 beds, meaning by 45 % and, respectively by 15 % more than in 2007. As a result, in 2015, the beds-days increased by 43 %, accounting for 81,872 thousand, and the tourism function of Romania reached 1,650 places (beds) per 1,000 inhabitants. Tourists' arrivals have a positive impact on overnight stays proved by the strong position correlation existing between these two indicators, r = 0.849, and by the determination coefficient, R² = 0.7215, which proved that 72.15 % of the variation in overnight stays is determined by the variation of the number of tourists' arrivals. The accommodation offer has been improved year by year to satisfy better tourists' demand, but the seasonality of arrivals has causes the low degree of occupancy. The business in tourism should be focused much more on a better promotion of Romania's tourism offer and on the assurance of a higher quality of services to face the strong competition among countries to attract more tourists.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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