Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 4
Written by Radu Lucian PÂNZARU, Dragoş Mihai MEDELETE
Romania is recognized both in the world and at European level as a major country cultivating cereals. The area occupied by corn indicates the importance of culture for Romania, which is given by the yield per hectare relative to wheat, its food and feed value, as well as the relatively simple technology, suitable for mechanization and easy to substitute for living labor. It is noticed that Europe held 10.15% of the world's surface. The indicator has recorded a non-uniform evolution at continental level. The European total maize production represents 11.73 % of the global output. The evolution of the indicator shows an upward trend for all the analyzed areas, except for Northern Europe with fluctuating evolution. In the global context, it is noticed that Europe has exceeded the average world production by 15.44%. Romania appears as a great cultivator at European level, but this positive aspect is not supported by high performance levels.
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