Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 3
Written by Dian KURNIATI, Elazmanawati LEMBONG, Gemilang Lara UTAMA
Nutrition knowledge is one of the factors that lead to a change in behavior toward a modern lifestyle in choosing food. Changes in behavior toward the modern direction make consumers choose foods that are easy to find and processing is relatively short, such as consuming junk food. Good nutrition knowledge is expected to affect the consumption of good food so that it can lead to good nutrition status as well. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between nutrition knowledge and frequency of junk food consumption towards the nutritional status of Unpad Faculty of Law students. The data collecting by using a questionnaire that is adapted to the aims of research and refers to the framework of concepts and theories that have been made. Data analysis through 2 stages that is univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis to describe the characteristics of the respondent, knowledge, and consumption habits of junk food. Bivariate analysis was done to determine the correlation of knowledge and junk food consumption frequency towards nutritional status. The knowledge aspect of junk food is 94% with good category and 3% who understand the nutrition knowledge of junk food. Based on the frequency of junk food consumption, obtained 46% respondent that often consume junk food, 8% normal and 46% rare. There is no significant influence towards nutritional knowledge with the Body Mass Index. Meanwhile, other result shows that there is no significant influence between the frequencies of junk food consumption with the Body Mass Index.
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