Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 12 ISSUE 4
Written by Aurelia-Vasilica BĂLAN , Elena TOMA
The development of organic agriculture in the past years has placed Romania among the first 25 countries that have cultivated areas under organic systems. In this field, there are over 9 thou producers, with over 500 thou hectares. In the Calaraúi County, in 2010 were only 19 authorized operators. On the basis of field observations, we generated technological and economic charts for the budgets of five different crops: wheat, sunflower, maize, lucerne and peas. For each crop we will monitor the input quantities, yield, costs and prices and we will calculate crop budgets finalised with efficiency rates, which will be compared to the budget forecasts for conventional agriculture. This paper aims at showing that organic crops are economically more efficient than the crops obtained within conventional agriculture, while their yield per hectare is slower.
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