Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 4
Written by Roman Viktorovich ZHARIKOV, Valerii Vasilievich BEZPALOV, Sergei Aleksandrovich LOCHAN, Maksim Vyacheslavovich BARASHKIN, Aleksandr Romanovich ZHARIKOV
The article provides an algorithm and development phases aimed at the creation of a complex economic security system for agricultural regions including an economic risk analysis and management system. In order to ensure the economic security of regions, the authors have developed a network model of cluster agricultural economy based on cooperation between small and medium-sized processing companies and suppliers of agricultural raw materials with due account for system requirements relating to economic security protection of business entities in the corresponding region. In this case, the cycle "Research — Production — Sales" remains within one cluster with the help of a corporate logistics system integrated into global networks, which allows all elements (business units) of the cluster to create a joint development framework and pricing strategy and establish fair distribution of profits among the units based on mutual competitive partnership principles, which, in their turn, promote economic security in the corresponding region. Classification and structure of clusters across the whole agricultural production of a region has been given. Apart from that, the authors have offered a methodology for defining economic potential of a cluster providing for synergetic effect of separate potentials and cumulative cluster potential achieved by integrating separate potentials. For the purpose of efficient cluster management, the authors suggest a model of cluster economy management, which includes management phases, goals, principles, and functions.
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