Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 1
Written by Eugeniu ALEXANDROV
Organic viticulture is becoming increasingly popular around the world. This trend is based on a system of technological methods aimed at maintaining the biodiversity of grapevine, the successful cultivation and consumption of grapes with minimal use of chemical treatments, and therefore with minimal content of their residues in the crop. Viticulture would benefit from the creation of new varieties of grapevine, with stable productive potential, to produce high-quality derivative products. As a result of interspecific hybridization (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa D.C. x Muscadinia rotundifolia Michx.), promising own-rooted table grape and wine grape varieties have been created and identified, for example: Malena, Nistreana and Algumax, and Augustina, Alexandrina and Ametist, respectively. The cultivation of interspecific genotypes of grapevine can reduce the negative impact on the environment by reducing the number of chemical treatments of plants.
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