Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 2
Written by Irina Adriana CHIURCIU, Iuliana ZAHARIA, Elena SOARE
Being transdisciplinary, the work associates an economic and a moral purpose. Economically, the paper analyzes the following indicators specific to the tobacco market in the European Union, such as: areas cultivated with tobacco; total tobacco production; average production per hectare of tobacco; the number of tobacco growers; tobacco consumption per person (for people over 15 years old); the price of tobacco in the main cultivating countries; the value of gross production for the unprocessed tobacco; quantitative imports and exports. This analysis is focused on the period 2011-2017. The results show that in 2017, Italy, Poland, Spain and Greece were the main tobacco growers in the European Union. Bulgaria recorded the largest number of tobacco growers in 2014, and the highest price reached was reached in Greece, Germany, in 2016, ranking third among the world's leading registered tobacco importers. To the economic analysis we associate information about the current and potential uses of the Nicotiana tabacum plant as well as a reflexive moral mark on the impact that smokers (contagious victims) have especially on members of age groups where discernment is not formed (children, pubescent, adolescents) - obtained on the basis of documentation, analysis, synthesis, reflection on the afferent material.
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