Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 3
The forests with special protection functions from the Southern Carpathians play an extremely important ecologic role. Forests situated on fields with lithological substratum very vulnerable towards erosion and landslides are situated in this wide category of forests and are occupying even large areas. They are followed by forests situated on sliding fields. These two stand categories are analysed in the present article, starting from a large number of data regarding their component species, as well as their age, consistency and altitude at which they are present. Among the tree species, the common beech is the most prevalent, followed by Norway spruce and alder. The stands have an equilibrated distribution on ages, while the altitude does not influence their spreading. The main consistency is situated at 0.8, but forests situated on lands vulnerable to erosion and landslides can reach the 0.9 consistency category. Specific management measures were analysed as they were applied to these forest categories. As such, it was determined that management measures are specific to the conservation regime in stands that have a high intensity protection function, while they become specific to the forest’s regime in forests where the protection’s intensity is more reduced.
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