Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 3
Written by Camelia SAND SAVA, Maria-Mihaela ANTOFIE
The main objective of the research is to develop an optimal mechanism for integration and cooperation processes based on clustering in the livestock industries of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia. The materials of the study were the reports of agricultural organizations, statistical data from the regions and the Russian Federation. The main methods used in the study are: statistical, economic, monographic, abstract-logical. As a result of the work, the state of integration and cooperation of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and the identified main factors constraining the formation of meat and food clusters are analyzed. The organizational-economic mechanism of integration and cooperation processes based on clustering in the meat-food sub-complex of the agro-industrial complex, discretely at the state and private levels, is substantiated. A structural model of the meat and food cluster based on the platform of the protoclusters identified in the agro-industrial complex of the region and the missing enterprises being formed (the Cluster Development Center, the Regional Slaughtering and Procurement Points and the Hybrid Selection Center) is proposed. The introduction of these proposals in the practice of the enterprises of livestock industries by optimizing the processes of commodity circulation creates prerequisites for reducing the added value of meat products.
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