ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 20 ISSUE 1
Written by Maria BĂLA, Florin SALA

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of biostimulators and growth substrates on rooting of cuttings, in order to improve the vegetative propagation through cuttings in Hibiscus rosa sinensis L.. Three varieties of Hibiscus (red flowers - R, yellow flowers - Y, and orange flowers - O), two growth biostimulators (Radistim - R, and Atonic - A) and four rooting substrates were used (sand - S1, sand:perlite - S2, sand:peat - S3, sand:peat: perlite - S4). From the combination of the three variables (biological material, biostimulators, and rooting substrates) resulted in 24 experimental variants. Cluster analysis facilitated for each studied hibiscus genotype obtaining a dendrogram in statistical safety conditions, depending on the favorable response given in quality indices of vegetative propagation, as rooting and root length. In the case of the red hibiscus variety, there was a high affinity between R.S2.R (LSD0.5%) and R.S4.A (LSD5%), and between R.S3.R (LSD5%) and R.S3.A (LSD5%) variants, under conditions of Coph.corr = 0.899. In the case of the yellow hibiscus variety, a high affinity was found between Y.S4.R (LSD5%) and Y.S4.A (0.1%), and between Y.S2.R (LSD0.5%) and Y.S2.A (LSD5%) variants, in conditions of Coph.corr = 0.809. In the case of the orange hibiscus variety, there was a high affinity between O.S4.R (LSD0.5%) and O.S4.A (0.5%), respectively between O.S2.R ad O.S2.A (LSD0.5%) variants, under conditions of Coph.corr = 0.859. By PCA analisys, PC1 explained 76.122% of variance and PC2 explained 23.878% of variance, and was obtained a distribution chart and a breakdown of variants in relation to the quality indices of the rooting process.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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