Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 20 ISSUE 1
Written by Veronica PRISACARU, Tatiana SEVCIUC
This investigation is focused on the following objectives: a) synthesizing the theoretical approaches of soybean cultivation, elucidating the multiple economic and ecologic benefits of the soybeans; b) analyzing the trends of the soybean production and consumption in the world and, distinctly, in the Republic of Moldova, elucidating the related problems and possible solutions. In order to achieve the stated objectives, the following research methods were used: the synthesis of theoretical approaches to the subject; analysis of the indicators that reveal soybean production and consumption trends; generalization of the problems related to soybean cultivation and consumption in the world and in the Republic of Moldova; synthesis of strategic provisions regarding the soybean sector in the world and, distinctly, in the in the EU and the Republic of Moldova; formulation of conclusions and proposals regarding the necessary measures to be taken to facilitate the achievement of the proposed strategic objectives. The authors' proposals concern a number of legal and organizational aspects needed to be improved in the Republic of Moldova in order to facilitate the development and increase the performance of the soybean production and processing sector.
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