Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 20 ISSUE 2
Written by Daniela Nicoleta BADAN, Diana Maria ILIE, Ancuta MARIN
The fruit-vegetable sector is of major importance in Europe's economy, but is under-exploited, representing only 18% of total agricultural production. Although the beneficial effects of consuming vegetables and fruits are permanently promoted, it is still below the WHO recommended level of 400 grams daily for one person. In Romania things are no different, even if there is an extraordinary potential and a vast supply of fresh vegetables and fruits. On the one hand, the consumer is overwhelmed by the high purchase prices, on the other hand the producers have given up investing to create a competitive market to European standards, discouraged by the massive imports. To create a clearer picture of this sector, in this paper we set out to study the surfaces and productions of vegetables and fruits, the import and export and consumption of these products, in Romania compared to other countries of the European Union between 2007 and 2018.
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