Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 20 ISSUE 2
Written by Victor TIȚA, Nicolae BOLD, Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Daniel NIJLOVEANU, Nicoleta GHEORGHE PATRACHIOIU
Training market has a huge impact on the Romanian educational system. Due to this impact, the training courses must have a high quality as the competencies that are gained after participating at these courses are used in the educational process. The Romanian training market has a simple structure, with several types of providers offering training courses to people coming from various professional categories. Based on the intervention of the authority in the training process, we can differentiate between state providers, such as Teaching Staff Resource Centres (TSRC – Casa Corpului Didactic, CCD, in Romanian), private providers that depend on the central authorities and own private providers. Teacher training is mainly made by the Teaching Staff Resource Centres and private providers that run courses with the approval of the Education and Research Ministry. Due to the importance of the quality of this process, we are presenting in this paper several pre-requisites for a research whose aim is to show the correlation between the leadership style of the TSRC managers and the training offer of their TSRC, with an example on the agricultural educational environment.
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