Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Radu BERTICI, Daniel DICU, Mihai HERBEI, Florin SALA
The study evaluated soil fertility based on specific agrochemical indices, in order to characterize the spatial variability of the agricultural land studied, and for differentiated fertilizers management. The agricultural land under study is located in the area of Tormac, Timis County, Romania. The soil is of the stagno-gleyc preluvosol type, medium loam-clay. Soil reaction (pH), humus content (H%), phosphorus content (P, ppm), and potassium content (K, ppm) were analysed. The values of the degree of saturation in bases (V%) and the nitrogen index (NI) were determined. The pH values varied between 5.40-6.84 ± 0.09, and the degree of saturation in the bases (V%), registered a variation in close correlation with the pH, in the range 51.81-89.02 ± 2.41%. Nitrogen index (NI) registered values between 1.21-2.63±0.08%. Phosphorus content (P) had values between 21.83-111.60 ± 4.88 ppm, and potassium content (K) recorded values between 115.00-341.0 ± 11.97 ppm. There were low values of the coefficient of variation in the case of soil reaction (CVpH = 7.4868) and high values in the case of phosphorus content (CVP = 44.186). The other agrochemical indices studied had intermediate values in terms of coefficient of variation (CVV = 16.8066; CVNI = 22.0252; CVK = 27.3909). Principal Component Analysis facilitated the obtaining of the samples distribution diagram, in relation to the studied agrochemical indices, according to which PC1 explained 87.845% of the variance, and PC2 explained 10.218% of the variance.
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