Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 4
Written by Katerina CHURKOVA
During the period 2014 - 2016 in the Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture in Troyan was conducted a research experiment to determine the economic effect of imported bioproducts in the following fertilizing variants: 1.Control /untreated/; 2. Lumbrex – 1.5 L/ha; 3. Lumbrex – 2.0 L/ha; 4. Lumbrical - 150 ml/m2; 5. Lumbrical - 200 ml/m2. Based on the presented economic indicators, biofertilizer and fertilizing dose were chosen, combining high economic and ecological effect. It was found that for the conditions of light gray pseudo-podzolic soils, fertilizing with Lumbrex at a dose of 1.5 L/ha showed high productivity (11.3 t/ha), the lowest production costs (924.40 BGN/ha), the highest gross profit (2825.60 BGN/ha) and profitability (305.67%). The introduction of this bioproduct in the production of meadow grasses is an alternative for the realization of high yield and economically important technological solution for obtaining ecologically clean fodder production.
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