Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 4
Written by Gabriela MACRA, Florin SALA
The study evaluated the variation of some wheat production parameters, in relation to the Super Fifty foliar biostimulator, different cultivars and crop locations. Testing experiments were performed in the area of Bazos (Baz), 'Altigo' wheat cultivar, Gataia (Gat), 'Glosa' wheat cultivar, and Lovrin (Lov), 'Alex' wheat cultivar, Timis County; in the area of Caracal (Car), 'Izvor' wheat cultivar, Caracal County; and in the area of Secuieni (Sec), 'Glosa' wheat cultivar, Neamt County. The Super Fifty (SF) product, based on algae extract, was used according to the manufacturer's recommendations (BioAtlansis). Under the influence of the Super Fifty biostimulator, the production (Y) had values between 5,280.00 kg ha-1 in the conditions from Lovrin, 'Alex' cultivar, and 8,565.75 kg ha-1 in the conditions of cultivation from Bazos, 'Altigo' cultivar. The protein content (Pro) varied between 10.30% in the conditions from Secuieni, 'Glosa' cultivar, and 15.90% in the conditions from Caracal, 'Izvor' cultivar. The gluten content (Glt) varied between 20.80% in the conditions from Secuieni, 'Glosa' cultivar, and 36.50% in the conditions from Lovrin, 'Alex' cultivar. In the PCA - Correlation Matrix, PC1 explained 53.704% of variance, and PC2 explained 32.806% variance, on the values of the recorded quantitative and qualitative production parameters. Regarding the production increase (Y), the protein increase (Pro) and the gluten increase (Glt), in the PCA - Correlation Matrix, PC1 explained 69.848% of variance, and PC2 explained 27.316% variance.
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