Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Lenuta CHIRA, Adrian CHIRA, Elena DELIAN, Ligia ION, Amalia IONESCU
The research studies were carried out during the 2019 – 2021 period with 4 apple varieties, harvested at 3 degrees of maturity. After 190 days of storage, the overall losses, consisting of weight decreases and losses through rotting, presented lower values in the case of Sirius apples harvested at moment I (8.6%) and Golden Orange (11.7%) respectively., Ciprian (11.4%) and Fuji (8.9%), harvested at time 3. The apples of the Ciprian and Fuji varieties harvested earlier (moment I) saw a loss in quality of 63.2 – 86.5%, due to the occurrence of the scald. For cold storage, it is recommended that Sirius fruit be harvested 140 days after blossoming. The Golden Orange variety must be harvested about 145 days after blossoming and the Ciprian and Fuji varieties after 150 days after blossoming.
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