Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Anișoara DUMA COPCEA, Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB, Lucian NIȚĂ, Teodor MATEOC, Casiana MIHUȚ, Ramona ȘTEF, Daniela SCEDEI, Sorin BUNGESCU
Large-scale application in Romania of work systems that aim to preserve soil fertility is of primary importance given that increasing arable areas are cultivated without consulting a specialist and without a system in which to take account of the short-, medium- or long-term consequences on the soil. The purpose of soil preparation works performed after the ploughing consist of breaking and crushing the structural soil clods and soil structural macro-aggregates in order to sow. For the execution of mechanized soil scarification, the preparation of the germination bed and of the sowing of maize is important for the choice of the types of tractors according to the technological work process and the biological properties of crops depending on the following indicators: gauge, size, plot size, energy consumption of agricultural machinery, land condition, humidity, and manoeuvrability. This paper aims to highlight the usefulness and economic efficiency of conservative (unconventional) works because this cultivation technology contributes to: reducing soil works to a minimum by reducing the number of machines; reducing soil setting by reducing the number of passes and work operations; reducing water and wind erosion by leaving plant remains on the soil surface; maintaining soil humidity by reducing evaporative water losses because the layer of plant remains are left on the ground; increasing the soil water capacity due to the layer of plant remains that slows water drain on the soil surface thus increasing the infiltration time; improving the physical structure of the soil; increasing the content of humus; and developing biological activity in the soil. From an economic point of view, the method is less costly because it reduces fuel consumption and working time with machines. The use of modern mechanization technologies has a great economic efficiency due to the following: works are carried out in a short period of time, so that the optimal time of technological work is respected; the number of aggregates is reduced; the number of passes on the ground is reduced; the setting of soil is reduced; wage costs are reduced; fuel consumption is reduced.
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