ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Anatolii KUCHER, Lesia KUCHER, Yulia PASHCHENKO

The paper studied the impact of the level of production intensity on productivity and profitability of crop production in agricultural enterprises of the regions of Ukraine. In order to answer the question of how to increase crop yields and financial returns of lands in the face of climate change, we built graphic-analytical models of dependence of the yield (productivity) of basic agricultural crops from the size of operating (production) expenses per 1 ha of harvested area in agricultural enterprises of the Ukrainian regions. The results of the analysis showed that the real increase in the yield of analyzed crops is directly related to an increase in the level of intensity, expressed by the value of expenses per 1 ha of harvested area. The paper employed the correlation and regression analysis for quantifying tightness and mathematical description of the relationship, in particular, the dependence of the yield of winter wheat grain, corn for grain, sunflower, soy, rape and potatoes from the size of production expenses per 1 ha harvested area. The predicted optimal level of intensity was determined, taking into account the action of the economic law of diminishing returns.

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KUCHER A., KUCHER L., PASHCHENKO Y. 2022, MODELING OF THE OPTIMAL LEVEL OF INTENSITY OF CROP PRODUCTION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 351-358.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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