Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Anatolii KUCHER
The paper studied the trends and opportunities of financial support for the formation of sustainable competitiveness of land use of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The results of analysis indicate a significant increase in the nominal volume of financial resources of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine during 2010–2018 (6.2 times), however, the structural ratio between the components of financial resources remained almost unchanged. The increase of all financial resources was carried out mainly in the conditions (and, consequently, due to) of inflationary-devaluation processes, and not a real increase in resources. Thus, the sum of financial resources of agricultural enterprises in US dollar terms increased only 1.82 times, and taking into account the inflation index – only 2.15 times during the analyzed period. A similar situation is also characteristic for the sources of formation of financial resources. It can be predicted further increase the amount of the net profit as the main source of own financial resources. The correlation analysis confirmed the hypothesis that the dynamics of profit is more connected to the variation of the exchange rate and the inflation rate than to the internal factors of the efficiency of agricultural enterprises. in the system of financial support for the formation of sustainable competitiveness of land use, the financial leasing, agricultural insurance and stock market has a significant (untapped) potential.
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