Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Gheorghe MATEI, Dragoș Ionuț POPESCU, Radu Lucian PÂNZARU, Mirela PARASCHIVU, Valentin VLADUȚ, Lorena Diana POPA
In this paper we intend to provide an updated situation on the land used in organic agriculture system and registered in the database of the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture - Vâlcea County Center, during the campaigns for submitting single payment applications, related PNDR framework 2014-2020. The amounts granted as financial support for the implementation of Measure 11 - organic agriculture are also highlighted in terms of value. Compared to the areas that benefited from support through Measure 11, it was observed an increase during the studied period from 10.56 ha in 2015 to 6,054.98 ha in 2020, areas that include several categories of land uses: arable land, permanent crops and permanent pastures. As for the number of farmers who have accessed this form of support, it has increased from 3 in 2015 to 37 at the end of 2020. The average value of payments - expressed in euro - at the farmer level registered an increasing trend, starting from 2,138.21 euros in 2015 and reaching a maximum of 16,625.58 euros in 2020, with a total of payments of 615,146.67 euros related to this measure in Vâlcea County, in the year 2020.
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