Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Gulay OZKAN, Ismail Bulent GURBUZ
This study aims to evaluate the cooperative-partner relations in Agricultural Development Cooperatives (ADC) in Bursa/Turkey and identify the factors affecting this relationship. There are 313 active ADC in the province of Bursa, with 33,334 partners in total. Primary data was collected by survey. A face-to-face survey was conducted with 408 people determined by simple random sampling method. The data are analysed with SPSS 24 program, and cross-tables are created. 69.1% of the respondents have read the Articles of Association. While 28.4% of their partners are involved in the Board of Directors.,77% have joined the General Assembly. Only 33.1% of the partners had other cooperative partnerships. Although fewer than one-third of the partners have reported increased (27.7%) income, 94.6% reported that they would continue their partnership. The most common activity made by cooperative was the supply of credit with 32%. The educational activities are ranked second (23%). Partners participated in 74.3% of the given education. 78% found the training useful. The research has shown that 46% of the partners did not know what risturn is.
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