Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Radu Lucian PÂNZARU, Dragoș Mihai MEDELETE, Gheorghe MATEI, Marius VLADU
Chickpeas are a culture that is part of the Leguminous family, with multiple uses in human nutrition, as an industrial raw material, in animal feed (not used as green fodder) as well as from agro-technical point of view (good for other cultures due to biological peculiarities). As advantages of culture, it is noted the uniform baking and the existence of the indehiscent pods. The culture presents a productive potential for Romania, between 1,000 and 1,500 kg/ha, under the conditions of use, in production, of local populations and varieties. The study relates to the possibilities of enlargement in the culture of the chickweed as a result of climate change, as the plant is not a demanding one for water consumption, and presents a relatively affordable technology for farmers. In this context, are noted areas cultivated (694.59 ha – average level for the analyzed period), total productions (720.37 t) and average productions (about 1,010 kg/ha), specific to Romania, as well as the quantities of imported product (561.15 t) and Exported (50.56 t) by our country for the time interval 1992-2018. The analyzed timeframe captures both political, economic and social changes, as well as changes under the main climatic parameters, with a rather significant impact on the productive activity of the vegetal sector. Our country is not an important player on the market of this product at European and world level, but the existing conditions may lead to a reduction in the external trade balance, and the proper use of the specific national potential.
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