Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Agatha POPESCU, Cristiana TINDECHE, Alina MĂRCUȚĂ, Liviu MĂRCUȚĂ
The paper analyzed rural areas in Romania from a territorial, demographic, economic, social and environment point of view in the year 2020 compared to 2011 in order to point out in what measure the gaps between rural and urban areas and EU rural areas have been reduced. The data from National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat were used in this comparison where fixed indices, structural indices, regression equations, determination coefficient helped to create an image on the changes. Rural areas keeps 89.6% of Romania's territory and 46.4% of its population, while at the EU level, the rural population accounts for only 29.1%. Rural population is aging, as 46% of people is aged of 50 and over. Depopulation caused by the negative natural movement and migration led to the decline in rural population. Rural poverty and social exclusion is higher, the EU average rate being 26%, while in Bulgaria, Malta and Romania is higher than 50%. Infrastructure regarding rural roads, water supply, sewerage and waste collection continue to be a big problem. Education level is lower, in 2020, only 17% graduates were from the rural areas, while in the EU 22% of the people aged 25-64 and 28.4% of the ones aged 30-34 have tertiary education. Rural digitalization is relatively weak as only 49% rural residents have digital skills compared to 62% in the cities. Of Romania's occupied population, 20% is in the rural areas and women accounts for 50%. About 83% of occupied population in agriculture are self employed. Salaried men in agriculture represent 3.5%, while women 1.1%, reflecting gender discrimination in total salaried population. Labor productivity in agriculture is small, just 20% of the national level. Per 1,000 AWU, labor productivity in Romania is the smallest in the EU. The rural average monthly income represents 64% of the income level in the urban areas and its growth rate is smaller. Agriculturists have the smallest income. Climate change diminished agricultural output and gross value added in Romania, and also the contribution to the EU. GDP/capita in rural Romania accounts for Euro 13,000, representing 65% of the EU average reflecting the gap in economic development and living standard. National Strategic Plan 2021-2027, whose implementation will involve the local authorities, is expected to transform rural areas in a resilient and diversified eco-system supplying agro-food products for ensuring food safety, in a consolidated economic and social sector using new knowledge, innovation and digitalization.
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