Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Anton TRETIAK, Valentina TRETIAK, Nataliia KOMAROVA, Tatyana PRIADKA, Dmytro KOMAROV, Nataliia TRETIAK
The study considers the approach to the assessment of the formation of balanced agricultural land use by agricultural enterprises. Key efficiency indicators were proposed to use in the assessment of the effectiveness of sustainable agricultural land use measures, namely the environmental sustainability factor – to assess the environmental stability, the yield per unit area and gross value added – for economic and social sustainability assessment. In particular, the study presents the results of the calculations of the actual and potential economic and social efficiency of land use in agricultural enterprises, as well as the calculation of those for non-traditional land use on the example of Kyiv oblast. It was found that reducing the area under sunflower does not worsen economic and social sustainability, but rather improves it. The calculated indicators of economic and social sustainability of land use reveal that Kyiv oblast should adhere to the norms of ratio of the crops sowing scheme and the area under niche crops increase.
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