Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Ștefan VIZITEU, Stejărel BREZULEANU, Elena LEONTE, Cătălin Răzvan VÎNTU, Marius Mihai MICU
The paper analyzes the influence of digitalization on managerial activity in agriculture and highlights how the use of farm management software has an impact on overall economic efficiency. Romania is at the level of the European Union the country with the largest number of agricultural holdings. Farm management is one of the factors of production that can favor a positive result of the activity carried out, and innovation in this field can bring added value to the activity both in terms of organizing production processes and forecasting and especially the control performed. The study highlights and proposes Geofolia software as an example of a useful tool in digitalizing agricultural activity and how to manage the farm indicating the advantages and the need for such a tool as part of the overall process of globalization. The statistical data used in the study is represented by the National Institute of Statistics, Eurostat and Faostat, the methods used being diagnostic analysis, statistical data analysis and case study. The results of this study are indicating that farm management needs to adapt to the global trend of innovation in organizational and informational systems in order to ensure efficiency, the advantages of a farm management software being ways to increase competitive advantage in a global market.
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