Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 2
Written by Dan BODESCU, Oana COCA, Alexandru Sorin TUDORAN, Adriana MĂGUREANU, Gavril ȘTEFAN
The aim of the research is to identify the factors that determine the adoption of Decision Support Systems (DSS) on Romanian crop farms. Qualitative research shows that the majority of farmers interviewed believe that the decision to implement DSS is based on: acquisition-use costs; time consumption; complexity; overall usefulness; intuitive interface; technical and economic support; solution provision. The relative importance of DSS application features recorded a minimum 2.8 pct. (on a scale of 1-7) for technical features and a maximum of 6.1 pct. for time consumption. The relevance of the applications was rated by farmers at 1.8 points, minimum 1.1 points - general relevance and maximum 2.1 points - cost. The Pearson correlation analysis between age and overall relevance rating was -0.59. Farmers with above average age consider too complex (-0.42). Education completed makes DSS applications seem less complex (0.56) and their economic functions more interesting (0.47). The economic dimension is related to acquisition cost (0.33); time consumption (-0.38) and economic functions (0.84). Relevance to farmers' interests with farm size relates moderately to strongly (0.72). Certified digital skills and quality of internet connection do not influence application quality dimensions probably due to the developed mobile network system in Romania.
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