Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 2
Written by Tatiana IAȚIȘIN
The paper addresses the concept of economic development and efficiency which is most comprehensively expressed in an economic activity, evaluated in terms of resources consumed to carry out these activities. Viticulture has a well-defined place in the agricultural economy and national economy, the importance of which can be appreciated from several points of view. Currently, in the Republic of Moldova are planted approximately 126 thousand ha of vineyards, of which 18.9 thousand ha are planted with table varieties. Viticulture is an intensive sector in agriculture characterized by a high coefficient of land use. It has been calculated that the economic efficiency of viticulture is 10 times higher than that of field crops. The value of production obtained from one hectare, cultivated with vines is equivalent to 7 ha of cereal crops. The research was conducted based on data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics through methods of analysis, synthesis, tabulation and graphics.
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