Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 2
Written by Stela TODOROVA, Aneliya PARZHANOVA
The paper aimed to present some aspects of the evolution the development of spatial model of the national concept. Bulgaria has a convincing historical experience in centralized creation and management of spatial models for development at three levels - municipal, regional and national. With the abolition of centralism, Bulgaria moved to the other pole - complete deregulation of spatial development. Urban and rural areas are two main concepts affecting the balanced spatial development of the country. The choice of a model for spatial development is influenced by a number of factors - social, geopolitical, economic, climatic and others. As a conclusion, the National Concept Programme of Development (NCPD) adopts the approach to rural and cross-border areas of the Territorial Program of the European Union (TA 2020), which to the polycentric spatial and integrated urban development adds concern for the preservation of the vitality of small settlements. The comparative method with its concepts and categories is the main research method in the present work. The spatial model for the development of the national territory is multi-layered and synthesizes different layers with information, functions, processes and priority elements of different hierarchical ranks. In Bulgaria there are visible/intensive processes of spatial polarization and movement towards monocentric models of development.
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