Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 2
Written by Anton TRETIAK, Valentina TRETIAK, Natalia KAPINOS, Anheliia VOLSKA, Аnna POLISHCHUK, Nataliia TRETIAK, Oleksandra KOVALYSHYN
During the research, it has been highlighted that there are no two countries in the world where the legal regulation of land relations would be identical, and the following four typical models of platform interactions have been established: closed market model, open market model, with some minor restrictions for agricultural and natural real estate (lands); closed for foreigners; open with restrictions. It has been substantiated that there is a stereotype in Ukraine as regards the efficiency of large-scale agriculture, and has been highlighted that most European countries prefer family farms, by ownership, and try to maintain small/medium-sized farm size, rather than increase the influence of monopolistic companies with large-size land use. Also, the paper highlights the factor of land consumption, in the process of which it has been found that in European countries this indicator is much better as compared to that in Ukraine. The authors’ correlation analysis revealed a close relationship between these factors and the average value of agricultural lands. SWOT analysis tools have been applied to study the institutionalization of the land market. In addition, the authors have analyzed the average value of land plots of the owners of land shares(units) after the lifting of the moratorium on the turnover of agricultural lands, which allowed to state a significant regional difference in the value of these lands. Where twelve regions of Ukraine have a lower market value of land plots compared to the lowest limit of normative monetary valuation of arable lands. Using the diagram, the authors have shown the lack of mutual coordination between the indicators of the normative monetary valuation of arable lands and the average value of sold land plots of the owners of land shares (units).
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