Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 3
Written by Nataliia ZELISKO, Oksana BULYK, Andriy KOLODIY
The article is devoted to issues of foreign investment in Ukraine, since the effective implementation of investment activity is important for the development of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, necessary for its integration into the European socio-economic space The development trends in foreign investment to agriculture have been analysed. Gradual deterioration of the prerequisites for the development of agricultural foreign investments has been found by studying the trends of foreign investment to agriculture on the basis of statistical analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the amount of attracted foreign direct investment, their share in gross value added, gross agricultural income, labour productivity in agricultural production, and others. The investment attractive factors contributing to the expansion of investment ties of Ukraine, namely, the presence of rich natural resources and production capacities are analyzed; developed infrastructure; relatively cheap and skilled labor; large capacious and almost competitive unlimited domestic market for most commodity items; scientific potential, etc. The threats of foreign investment for the host country are identified.