Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 4
Written by Tarek FOUDA, Abd-Elrahman ELRAYES, Abd-Elhameed ELHANAFY, Mohamed GHONAME
The expansion of aquaculture ponds necessitates the development of aeration and the addition of oxygen. Rubber tubes are a new way of aerating by generating micro bubbles on the water surface. Experiments were conducted to investigate and determine the effects of air flow rate, tube wall thickness, depth from the surface and design shape on saturation time, the oxygen mass transfer coefficient and standard aeration efficiency. To identify each indicator, testing were carried out in accordance with ASCE 2007 guidelines from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The findings demonstrated a connection between oxygen mass transfer coefficient and operational parameters were as follows: inverse relationship with air flow rate, inverse relationship with depth from water surface, positive relationship with tube wall thickness and increases with circular shape design more than longitudinal. The maximum value of standard aeration efficiency was 2.66 kg.O2/kW.h under operational parameters of 0.1 m3.h-1 for air flow rate, 0.70 m for depth from the water surface, 7 mm for tube wall thickness and circular design shape. The minimum value of saturation time was 8 minutes under operational parameters of 0.1 m3.h-1 for air flow rate, 0.70 m for depth from the water surface, 7 mm for tube wall thickness and circular design shape.
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