Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 4
Written by Ruslana SODOMA, Lilia LESYK, Anna HRYSHCHUK, Pavlina DUBYNETSKA, Tetiana SHMATKOVSKA
The socio-economic aspects of rural development in the context of decentralization of management, features of the organization of rural areas and the formation of potential for development is considered in the article. The necessity of intensifying activities in the direction of decentralization of power and introduction of modern principles of economic reform of rural areas is substantiated. The process of greening of agricultural production has been confirmed. The structure of production of the main types of agricultural products by agricultural enterprises and their profitability are considered. A quadratic trend model of the dynamics of the volume of profits of business entities in rural areas has been developed. Sufficient attention is paid to the formation and justification of scientific solutions aimed at building a new, more effective model of rural development management in Ukraine. Risks and threats to the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas have been identified and the probability of influencing the level of socio-economic development of rural areas has been substantiated. It is important to note that in order to increase the effectiveness of business policy, it is necessary to determine the main criteria that will shape the development of rural areas on the basis of the formed forecast indicators and determined factors influencing them. A number of important positions that influence directly or indirectly on the implementation of innovative projects of development of rural areas have been proved, in particular, the greatest weight have their own resources, which can be used in communities. On the basis of the conducted researches the whole model of innovation development is proposed, which includes all spheres that influence the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas.
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