Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 1
Written by Alexandra BECHERESCU, Gheorghița HOZA, Florin SALA
The variation of some parameters of flowering, fruiting, and pepper production, in relation to the fertilization system, was evaluated. The study took place in the area of Cuied Locality, Arad County, Romania. The experiment was in a protected system, modular solar, the summer-autumn crop cycle, year 2020, with a specific technology. Two long pepper varieties of the Kapia type were cultivated (Dumbo 34 - D 34; Elephant's Ear - EE). Three products were used for fertilization, BioHumusSol (BHS), Cropmax (CroM) and Bionat (BioN), together with a control variant (C). The number of pollinated and fertilized flowers per plant (pff) varied between 5.00±0.35 (EE C) and 8.60±0.41 (D34 CroM), and the number of fruits per plant (FruNP) varied between 5.00±0.32 (EE C) and 8.00±0.49 (D34 CroM). The average fruit weight (FaW) varied between 83±13.30 g (D34 C) and 274±22.7 g (EE CroM). The average fruit production per plant (ApP) varied between 0.580±0.13 kg plant-1 (D34 C) and 1.920±0.20 g plant-1 (EE CroM). Quality I production (YQ1, %) varied between 10.20% (S34 C) and 76.00% (EE CroM), and quality II production (YQ2, %) varied between 24.00% (EE CroM) and 89.80% (D34 C). According to PCA, PC1 explained 68.383% of variance, and PC2 explained 28.917% of variance in relation to flowering and fruiting parameters; PC1 explained 65.489% of variance, and PC2 explained 34.28% of variance in relation to productivity and production parameters, respectively PC1 explained 61.09% of variance, and PC2 explained 38.91% of variance in relation to production quality. The regression analysis facilitated to describe the variation of production by quality classes (YQ1) in relation to productivity parameters.
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