Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Gergana BALIEVA
Covid-19 pandemic led to many disturbances in everyday life, including regular supplies with medicines and food especially during quarantine. The present study aimed to investigate the way the pandemic affected the food chain based on consumers' preferences for e-shopping of food products. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed before the pandemic in February-March 2020 and later in September 2020-March 2021 among 470 Bulgarian citizens in total. The survey showed that for 43.4% of the respondents “Online shop/ E-shop/ E-market” was the most preferred online channel for ordering/purchasing food. The reasons for choosing internet shopping varied: convenience of purchase (19.6%); no physical attendance (6.4%); fresh products (3.8%); comparison of prices (8.5%); lack of preferred products on the conventional market (11.1%); finding products from distant markets (10.9%); health issues/isolation (0.2%). There were several types of products purchased via internet: food from animal origin (6.2%); fruits & vegetables (2.6%); organic food (18.1%); delicacies/exquisite products (8.5%); honey & bee products (5.5%); medicinal food/additives (12.3%); confectionery (7.7%); pet food (0.6%); cooked meals (1.3%). In conclusion, food purchased online was significantly increased during the Covid-19 epidemic and afterwards due to changes in the consumers' demands.
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