Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Boryana CHURKOVA, Katerina CHURKOVA
The selection of suitable grass fodder crops and their cultivars are key factors determining efficiency in agrarian production. In order to produce the most economically efficient bird's-foot-trefoil cultivar for cultivation under mountain conditions, research was conducted in the experimental field of the Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture-Troyan. The experiment was based on the block method with the following bird's-foot-trefoil cultivars: Targovishte 1 (Bulgaria), Bursztym (Poland), Kalo (USA), Lot (Poland), Madison (France), MO – 20 (USA), Nico (Romania) were studied for their impact on economic efficiency. It has been established that the genotypic characteristics of the cultivars and the applied production technology determine the productivity and profitability of the obtained fodder production. Soil and climate conditions has a major impact on the level of average yield, gross revenue and profitability of the obtained fodder. From an economic point of view, the Madison and Bursztym cultivars are the most suitable for inclusion in the structure cultivars in the production of bird's-foot-trefoil fodder. They realize fodder production at the lowest production costs, high gross profit and lowest production costs. Their highest efficiency ratio makes them extremely cost-effective and an alternative for agricultural practice.
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