Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Artur GOLBAN, Rita GOLBAN
The aim of the scientific investigation study was to evaluate the quality of cheeses production by involving some starter cultures of microorganisms and to evaluate the study of the cells of the fermentation microbial populations according to their qualitative aspects and their competitiveness. Mesophilic, thermophilic and mixed lactic starter cultures and their contribution to fermentation processes in manufactured cheeses were studied. Also, in the scientific article was analysed the value chain of cheeses and the necessary conditions for running a successful cheeses business in the rural environment. The article describes also the problems agricultural farmers are facing towards commercialization the cheeses. The starter cultures were used as materials for elaboration of the article, in the same time were used tests for the research of the process of fermentation. The main results of the research demonstrated that the use of the economic performance of the can be achieved using starter microbial cultures in the process of production of cheeses. The conclusions of the research are that at the process of cheeses fermentation a big contribution play mesophilic, thermophilic and mixed lactic starter cultures.
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